9 January 2011

The Times They Are a-Changin'

Does anyone remember Dr John R. Page, the former Executive Secretary/Director of ICEL? Dr Page was at the helm in ICEL until the 2002 revolution sent him and his old ICEL ideologies into exile. Recently he was one of the signatories of the futile but probably very therapeutic “What if we just said ‘wait’?” petition against the implementation of the new ICEL translation of the Mass due out this fall.
Mgr Wadsworth: the face of the new ICEL
Lots has been said about the new ICEL, mainly as an attempt to sabotage its good work coordinated by Dr Page’s successor, the Oxford Don Mgr Bruce Harbert. He has retired now, but honourably, and not sent into exile. His successor is another priest from the other side of the pond, Mgr Andrew Wadsworth.

News has been doing the rounds today that as well as his good work for ICEL Mgr Wadsworth is now on the road promoting both forms of the Roman Rite. He’s slated as the keynote presenter at a priests’ seminar In Utroque Usu scheduled for the end of the month at the Cathedral of St. John Berchmans, all the way down there in Shreveport, Louisiana. Topics will include: 
 Mutual Enrichment
 Hermeneutic of Continuity - Reform of the Reform - Noble Simplicity
 Ars Celebrandi
 Discussion regarding resources and on-line resources
 Low Mass Practicum
 A comprehensive introduction to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass and its liturgical principles
An introduction to Sung Mass and Gregorian Chant
Hands-on instruction and training in the ceremonies of Sung (and Solemn) Mass
Overview and practice in the chants of the Sung Mass
Training in all the altar server positions for Sung Mass

 An overview of the 1962 Roman Missal and liturgical calendar
 A complete explanation and demonstration, with practical hands-on instruction, in the ceremony of Low Mass according to the 1962 Roman Missal
 Tips and strategies for gaining proficiency in Latin
What a revolution. This sort of thing taking place in a cathedral with an ICEL official leading from the front is a real sign of the times and a reason for thanksgiving. What an inclusive Church we live in today. Yep, as Bob Dylan first told us way back there in 1964 The Times They Are a-Changin'!
Don’t tell the traditionalist fundamentalists, though, in case they notice that “1962” date. And don’t tell Dr Page. He deserves a peaceful retirement after all his hard work up to 2002. 

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